
Сообщения за ноябрь, 2014

It'S TiMe to JuMP to #1 Mobile Device Antivirus & Performance Optimizer & Security App Worldwide:-)

The Clean Master App will improve your D evice’s P erformance by cleaning J unk F iles , O ptimizing D evice M emory & providing C omplete P rotection against V iruses, T rojans & M alware . It's o ne of the H ighest R ated A pps in the world based on 10,000,000 R eviews & o ver 200 million D ownloads W orldwide→ the Clean Master helped to Clean Up all-in-all over 400,000,000 Mobile Devices . The Clean Master is an excellent S olution to clean , boost & maintain the overall Performance Optimization of your Android Mobile Device or Tablet . It's an app that's easy, effective, and free. Functional design The Clean Master I nterface is easy-to-use & has a modern design . From the main screen, you can access a general overview of the status of the device and easily get access to the 4 main P rogram Analisys A reas : Junk Files , Memory Boost , Antivirus , & App Manager . Different types of cleaning Clean...

BRaND NeW;-)_2014 #1 WeB $EARCH eNGiNe

BRaND NeW;-)_2014 #1 WeB $EARCH eNGiNe http://ragool.com/  TRy&eNJoy NeW:-) QuaLiTy oF $uRFiNG the WeB;-) #ragool

6 Must-know Content and SEO Tips

Here are a few tips that will help entrepreneurs and small business owners: Practice “intentional marketing.” Keyword density isn’t dead, but the game has changed. You definitely want keywords in there, but more importantly you really want expert verbiage . For example, say you have a website about golfing. Google wants to see that you’re talking about expert topics related to golfing: the best golf courses, new clubs and balls, etc. Traffic is going to come in through all these channels that are related to golfing and, because of that topical incoming traffic , Google will rank your golfing website very high for those terms. Brand yourself properly. How you brand yourself is everything. It's all about how to position one's brand as a force in the content marketing space. Don’t underestimate word of mouth marketing. It's your brand advocates who's going to talk you up to everyone they kn o w. Much of th e deal that can ta...

How do Colors Affect Purchases?

Sometimes it’s the simplest things that can make the biggest difference. One small factor in UX that can make a huge difference is color. In fact, 85% of shoppers rate colour as a primary reason for why they buy a product. It’s important to use the right colors to get the most out of your UX. This infographic by Kissmetrics will guide your through making the right color choices for your design. The infographic describes the emotions associated with each color so that you can choose the one that best fits with your overall design. It also talks about which colors best appeal to which type of consumer so that you can tailor your design to appeal to your customer base. Read the Full Article Here=>> http://ux.walkme.com/infographic-colors-affect-purchases/  

How Human Behavior Can Skew Innovation

A variety of human group behaviors can undermine innovation. For best results, we need to be aware of them and mitigate those that can derail innovation efforts. Herd behaviour describes how individuals in a group can act together without planned direction. When animals partake in herd behaviour, for example in a dangerous situation, each individual group member reduces the danger to itself by migrating as close as possible to the centre of the fleeing group. The herd thus appears as a unit in moving together, but this action emerges from the uncoordinated behaviour of self-serving individuals. Herd behaviour is distinguished from herd mentality because it applies to all animals, whereas the term mentality implies a uniquely human phenomenon. Herd mentality implies a fear-based reaction to peer pressure which makes individuals act in order to avoid feeling “left behind” from the group, i.e. to adopt certain behaviours and follow trends. Herd mentality is also sometimes known as ...

Incendiary Weapon Attacks in Ukraine & Syria Illustrate the Increasing Stigma Against the Weapons

Evidence of the use of incendiary weapons in Ukraine and Syria highlights the need for stricter law to govern these weapons, Human Rights Watch said in a report released today with Harvard Law School’s International Human Rights Clinic. The 16-page report, “ Incendiary Weapons: Recent Use and Growing Opposition ,” details incendiary weapon attacks in Ukraine and Syria and illustrates the increasing stigma against the weapons. Incendiary weapons can cause excruciatingly painful thermal and respiratory burns. Victims who survive often suffer long-term physical and psychological damage due to extensive scarring and disfigurement. “Weapons that cause terrible burns and disfigure survivors have been used against towns in both Syria and Ukraine,” said Bonnie Docherty , senior Arms researcher at Human Rights Watch and lead author of the report. “The recent attacks with incendiary weapons show it’s past time for nations to reassess and strengthen international law on these cruel we...