
Сообщения за ноябрь, 2015

Lace & Patent Leather Sheath Dress

It is the season to be treated. Lace & Patent Leather Sheath Dress. Black sleeveless cotton sheath dress with overlapping patent leather and sheer lace panels. Read More Here <<=>> https://goo.gl/2GeY0o

Visit our trance music event:-)

Dear friends! Zen Division and Music Complex "Pumpkin" invite you to attend the event ' E∩TRANCE: Goa PsyTrance & PsyChill Party '. The club will have all the necessary conditions for a comfortable winter ' club ' rest - a heated room, the speaker system "Dynacord" with 8 kW power , sofas, bar, tea room, a cozy place for smokers ... In general, fellow astronauts, music lovers and lovers of leisure club atmosphere - take it with good humor, come to us and we will travel together through the universe;-)   R ead More Here <<=>> https://goo.gl/d8ZOVu  

Between the Finger Rings

Between the F inger R ing s offer different interpretations of the Maison's favourite items, while revealing all the creativity of the Van Cleef & Arpels style. These poetic creations grace several fingers or unfold thanks to an invisible mechanism. Between the finger ring s add a new touch to the art of adorning the hand with enchantment of the distinctive poetry of Van Cleef & Arpels. Read More Here <<=>> http://goo.gl/o1AjeQ   

Rap God 2.0

Rap God 2.0. This design features the lyrics from "Rap God" inside of Eminem's silhouette as featured the "Rap God" single art, printed on a black t-shirt.  Read More Here  <<=>>   https://goo.gl/FQZ7Ke   

E∩TRАNCE: Goa PsyTrance & PsyChill Party

Дорогие друзья!  Промо группа Zen Division и Музыкальный комплекс "Тыква" приглашают Вас посетить мероприятие  "E∩TRАNCE: Goa PsyTrance & PsyChill Party". В клубе будут все необходимые условия для комфортного зимнего "клубного" отдыха - отапливаемое помещение, акустическая система "Dynacord" мощностью 8 кВт, мягкие диваны, бар, чайная, уютное место для курящих... В общем, товарищи космонавты, меломаны и просто любители клубного отдыха - берите с собой хорошее настроение, приходите к нам и мы вместе будем бороздить просторы Вселенной ;-) Больше читайте здесь <<=>> https://goo.gl/d8ZOVu 5 декабря - 6 декабря С 22:00 5 декабря до 08:00 6 декабря  

11 Business Marketing Strategies

#1: Word of mouth advertising Encourage customers to talk about your small business on social, professional networks and to share their opinions-boosting your chances to get their friends in the door. You trust your friends and value their opinions. That why it is critical to tap into your customers who are willing and able to share your excellent products/service with their tribes. #2: Social media is a must If you don’t have a business page for your small business on top social media sites -build one today. This includes Facebook, Twitter, Instagram, and LinkedIn. Each one offers a different format, but all allow you to connect and talk to your customers and would-be clients on a personal level. In today’s digital era, it’s a must to ensure your brand and your customer base grows. #3: Your website Every component of your marketing plan is going to come back to your website. Don’t cut corners. It’s where your visitors find out who you are, what you believe in ...

7 Customer Expectations You Need to Exceed

Some 55% of consumers say that their customer service expectations have increased over the past 3 years, according to IBM Retail Research. Additionally, 55% of consumers say that they have moved from at least 1 company in the past year due to poor customer service. Have consumers changed their attitudes about customer service that drastically? No, consumers have not changed. We've always wanted to be independent. Technology, however, has finally caught up with us and enabled us to do more than we could before. Between crowdsourcing, video tutorials, and online communities, consumers arguably know more about products and services than a company's customer service representatives know about them. Moreover, consumers would rather conduct and complete an interaction on their own. We are in the middle of a transition from preference to reliance for autonomous service. This transition is radically shifting the power of the customer-company relationship from bra...

How to find your lost smartphone

So you’ve lost your phone. We’ve all been there. It was just  in your pocket a minute ago - and now it’s gone. Maybe it’s just in your other coat, or maybe it’s already in the hands of someone who found it on the sidewalk. Either way, all you want to do is get it back. Thankfully, there are plenty of ways to get a hold of your missing phone. If it’s a smartphone (or even a tablet) running iOS, Android , or even Windows Phone, chances are good it already has the software needed to hunt it down - or there’s an app you can remotely install to find your phone. If your lost phone happens to be a smartphone, all three of the major smartphone platform providers ( Apple , Google, and Microsoft) now include phone retrieval technology in your smartphone, in case you ever end up losing it, but don't forget to install a “find my phone” app. Usually, the way these apps work is through the account associated with your device. For Android devices this is your Google account...

Focus On Trust, Not Traffic

One of the most intoxicating measurements in all of marketing is “ web traffic .” It’s measurable. It’s binary. We can actually do something to affect the results. It makes us feel good to see the “hockey stick” graph of all these new visitors surfing our site. But as any experienced marketer knows, for most businesses, nearly all of this traffic is represented by people who take a quick glance at our site and never return. They are tourists, not residents. Trust, not traffic I want to challenge you. Are you taking the easy way out in your marketing plan? Are you spending money on advertising and SEO because they are familiar and you can get the budget approved? Because it’s convenient to out-source to an ad agency (and out-source accountability)? On the other hand, building trust instead of traffic takes time, a new content marketing mindset, a new commitment, and perhaps even a leap into the unfamiliar. The economics of transmission The CMOs in this ...

Your Business Needs a Twitter Account <=> 5 Reasons Why

While Twitter’s growth is said to be in decline , the 140-character social network is still a valuable asset for your business. Why? Because it’s almost 1 billion users still have significant influence over your customers and an ability to amplify the reach of your content. Maybe you feel intimidated by Twitter or don’t see value in it for your company. Perhaps your ROI is hard to track and you prefer to rock out on Pinterest. But this doesn’t mean you should ignore the blue bird and disregard having a Twitter account altogether. Here’s why: It enables you to curate user-generated content Twitter is the ideal medium for content curation . In fact, it’s essential to curate content if you’d like to keep your fan base active and engaged at all times. Or produce tons of personal content on a daily basis that is mission impossible for most businesses. According to U.S News , 85 percent of followers feel more connected with businesses after following them. And...