Your Business Needs a Twitter Account <=> 5 Reasons Why

While Twitter’s growth is said to be in decline, the 140-character social network is still a valuable asset for your business. Why?

Because it’s almost 1 billion users still have significant influence over your customers and an ability to amplify the reach of your content. Maybe you feel intimidated by Twitter or don’t see value in it for your company. Perhaps your ROI is hard to track and you prefer to rock out on Pinterest. But this doesn’t mean you should ignore the blue bird and disregard having a Twitter account altogether.

Here’s why:

It enables you to curate user-generated content

Twitter is the ideal medium for content curation. In fact, it’s essential to curate content if you’d like to keep your fan base active and engaged at all times. Or produce tons of personal content on a daily basis that is mission impossible for most businesses.

According to U.S News, 85 percent of followers feel more connected with businesses after following them. And 72 percent of followers are more likely to buy something from a business they follow. Most people feel flattered when a brand acknowledges them and shares their content.

It can expand your customer base

Twitter chats are a great way to expand your professional network and learn a few more things about the subject as well. By actively participating in the conversation and exchanging thoughts with other tweeters, you leverage your authority and credibility. On top, you get plenty of ideas and tips for your content, as you now know what interests your target audience.

Check out Chat Salad or Twubs Twitter Chart to find the latest chat schedules for different industries.

Next step – host a Twitter chat yourself! You may need to get some training first and wait till your followers base grows to reach the best results, but the reach of Twitter chats can not be underestimated.

It helps build relationships with influencers

You’d like your business to be acknowledged by the industry experts, right? Most probably you have even reached out to some of them via email or Facebook and got some luck. Or not.

Twitter can be an excellent medium to start building relationships with industry thought leaders. Start engaging with them by curating their content, mentioning them, asking relevant questions or answer their queries. Get them to know you and identify you as “a lovely helpful chap” from Twitter, rather than a stranger asking for something out of the blue. If you create a connection through Twitter, next time you reach out to them with a quick favor, the chances are you’ll receive a positive outcome.

It’s great for customer support

Long gone are the days when people just ring up a company to complain. Now users prefer to get social and publicly reach out or bash companies on social media.

If you are not on Twitter, you may have no idea of how your reputation is screwed or praised by the community. Use Twitter to offer effective, timely support to your users.

It works for viral promotions and special offers

Imagine you’re launching a new add-on service, or you’ve got some hot seasonal discounts to promote. Twitter is the place to be when it comes to launching viral campaigns.

Here’s a recent case study to illustrate the concept. Virgin America decided to do a Twitter announcement about their selected flights now equipped with Netflix. A single Tweet placed them on top of the trending news section and right in the middle of that week’s conversation according to word cloud. It also resulted in landing extensive press coverage and getting a 96% positive sentiment from the audience.

How can you do it?

Spice up your Tweets with full-featured images (440 x 220 px).
Tweets with visuals receive 150% more retweets, 18% more clicks and 89% more favorites.

Turn your promo codes, announcements and calls-to-action into appealing, inspiring, and fabulous graphics that could be later repurposed for other social media networks like Instagram, Facebook or Pinterest.

Also, make sure to Tweet at the optimal times when most of your audience is online.

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