
Сообщения за сентябрь, 2011

Family business (a series of short stories divided in parts)

Part III. Teenagers on a date They were walking along the street. Samantha and Peter had met to make a walk in the park. They were walking along the street without saying a single word to each other. They both were 16 and a moment ago they had quite a rough quarrel about what they were going to do at the weekend. Pete wished to go to the zoo and Sam wanted to get together with the friends of his and go to the autumn forest. There they could go for mushrooms. "You never think what would be better for me, you're always occupied with thinking only about yourself", - complained Samantha. "Sam, if you wish so much to go to the forest we can go there some other day. And this Saturday we can spend with my friends", - told Peter. "Why it is so that we have to postpone my business and put on the first place yours?", - Samantha didn't wish to stop the argument. "Sam, my friends are going away soon to another state, but you know that perfectly"

Family business (a series of short stories divided in parts)

Part II. Future parents Zack was wandering nervously around the house. His pregnant wife was just about to give birth. Zack was a general practice doctor and soon he had to leave for a doctor's training. He dreamt of opening his own private practice as a family doctor. But right now all his thoughts were occupied   with Emily and their baby. Zack couldn't stand thinking that she would be giving birth and he won't be around. He went into the dining room where Emi was preparing to serve the dinner. He looked at her with an endless tenderness and love. Zack could only imagine what an excellent mother she would be. Emi heard that he had come in and turned around. "Honey, I looked in the mirror in the morning and spotted how fat I've become. I've put on so much weight", - complained Emi. "My dear, you shouldn't be so upset. You're about to give birth to our first child and afterwards you will lose weight", - Zack tried to calm down his

Family business (a series of short stories divided in parts)

Part I. Happy grandparents It was a nice and warm summer day. Gregory and Lillian had decided to go fishing on one of the lakes which were situated not far from their house. They took their fishing rods and fishing tackle. By the way, the elderly couple loved to go to the nature. Sometimes they went to the forest for mushrooms or, as they've decided to do today, on one of the lakes for fishing. In general, married couple in their early 60 led a very active life. Lillian had just come back from a trip to the Coal Mining Area. She went there with one of her friends who managed to get lost in the dark corridors of a coal mine. Thanks' God, their instructor had found her. Gregory and Lillian were sitting near the lake unwinding their fishing tackle. Soon they took their fishing rods and went fishing. Lillian had caught 5 not very big fish and her husband managed to take out a big pike. She began to make a bonfire - they intended to fry fish on fire. Just at the moment when L