Family business (a series of short stories divided in parts)

Part I. Happy grandparents

It was a nice and warm summer day. Gregory and Lillian had decided to go fishing on one of the lakes which were situated not far from their house. They took their fishing rods and fishing tackle. By the way, the elderly couple loved to go to the nature. Sometimes they went to the forest for mushrooms or, as they've decided to do today, on one of the lakes for fishing. In general, married couple in their early 60 led a very active life.

Lillian had just come back from a trip to the Coal Mining Area. She went there with one of her friends who managed to get lost in the dark corridors of a coal mine. Thanks' God, their instructor had found her.

Gregory and Lillian were sitting near the lake unwinding their fishing tackle. Soon they took their fishing rods and went fishing. Lillian had caught 5 not very big fish and her husband managed to take out a big pike. She began to make a bonfire - they intended to fry fish on fire. Just at the moment when Lillian finished with the bonfire her cell phone rang. She looked at the small monitor and saw that it was their granddaughter Samantha calling.

"Hi, granny! How are you doing? How was your trip?", - Sam had bombarded her grandmother with questions. So Lillian began to tell her granddaughter the story about her friend who got lost in a wet, sticky cold and dark corridors of a coal mine. "Horrible", - admitted Samantha and asked how was that woman after such a shock. "She is Ok now, but she made a promise to herself never to visit such dangerous places anymore", - answered granny. They talked a little bit more and then Lillian said goodbye to Sam and addressed Gregory: "Darling, guess what!". "What?", - replied Greg. "Samantha loved my story about the coal mines so much that she had decided to write a story based on these events. How do you like that?", - asked Lillian. "What may I say?... She wants to become a journalist. The girl is training on your material. Well done", - stated Gregory.

The rest of the evening reigned a friendly and relaxed atmosphere. Lillian fried the fish on a bonfire and then they sat down on the ground near the fire and enjoyed their meal. after they had finished Gregory all of a sudden turned red on his face an expression of pain contorted his face. "Darling, what's the matter? Are you hurt?", - asked Lillian anxiously. "Must be my arthritis is felt", - answered Greg. "I suppose, tomorrow I have to pay a visit to my doctor. Will you go with me?", - asked he. "Sure. You shouldn't even ask", - replied his wife…

To be continued…


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