Family business (a series of short stories divided in parts)

Part III. Teenagers on a date

They were walking along the street. Samantha and Peter had met to make a walk in the park. They were walking along the street without saying a single word to each other. They both were 16 and a moment ago they had quite a rough quarrel about what they were going to do at the weekend. Pete wished to go to the zoo and Sam wanted to get together with the friends of his and go to the autumn forest. There they could go for mushrooms.

"You never think what would be better for me, you're always occupied with thinking only about yourself", - complained Samantha. "Sam, if you wish so much to go to the forest we can go there some other day. And this Saturday we can spend with my friends", - told Peter. "Why it is so that we have to postpone my business and put on the first place yours?", - Samantha didn't wish to stop the argument. "Sam, my friends are going away soon to another state, but you know that perfectly", - Peter raised his voice. "Ok, let's do whatever you say", - said Sam when they approached they favorite café.

Sam and Pete had just made their order when Sam took out her cell phone and dialed her granny. Pete was sitting still looking at the window. "Hi, granny! How was your trip to that mining area?", - asked Samantha when her grandmother picked up the phone. Then Sam listened to quite a long story about her grandmother's adventures there. Just at the moment Samantha intended to ask the next question the door of the café opened.   

…A strange man came inside the bar and all of a sudden began to shoot in the air. "Don’t anybody move, it's the robbery", - cried he. Sam and Peter sat still. At the next moment the unknown man must had seen somebody moving because he suddenly began to shoot at the visitors of the small café. Pete got shot at his right shoulder and immediately lost his conscience. Sam took his head in her arms and tried to bandage the shoulder with his shirt. Meanwhile the strange man began to take everybody's wallets. When he came to Sam she wanted to insult him somehow because of her boyfriend's shot shoulder. But in the next moment she thought that this man could shot her too and decided not to tell anything. So she just gave him her wallet. "And what about him?", - showing at Pete asked the robber. Samantha without even saying a word gave him Peter's wallet as well.

The door of the café suddenly opened widely and the visitors could see two policemen pointing their guns at the robber. Then they heard a gun shot and after that the stranger fell on the floor. Samantha took Peter under his healthy arm and tried to take him out of the café. On the street Sam saw an ambulance car and she rushed to it. The doctors examined Pete and told that the wound was not too dangerous and the bullet was not inside his arm. Samantha felt a little relief but still intended to go to the hospital with her boyfriend. She thought with sadness that now she was also able to tell her granny an "interesting" story. 

Maria Sivaeva


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