Steve Jobs movie to film at the original Apple garage

The garage where the first Apple computers were built will be used in the upcoming movie about Jobs.
 For those wondering how authentic the upcoming movie about Steve Jobs played by Ashton Kutcher will be, maker Five Star Feature Films says it's going to actual locations, including Jobs' childhood home, where the first Apple computers were pieced together in the garage.

The film's production company today said it plans to begin shooting principal photography at the Los Altos, Calif., home next month, with a release of the picture to follow in late fall of this year.

The garage, which belonged to the Jobs family, was Apple's official headquarters before the company moved to a rented office space in Cupertino, Calif. It was the birthplace of the first Apple computer, as well as the Apple II, which became the company's first real hit.

The movie, titled "jOBS," was announced last month and features actor Ashton Kutcher as Apple co-founder Steve Jobs from 1971 through 2000. That bit of Jobs' history includes the founding of Apple, as well as his ouster, the forming of NeXT and Pixar, then the return to the company when Apple acquired Jobs' NeXT.

"A rousing narrative of this business and tech icon, 'jOBS' pulls no punches and does not speculate, telling only the candid and captivating account of the life of Steven Paul Jobs," its makers promised in a press release.


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