Android reached 1 billion shipments milestone in 2014

Strategy Analytics last week revealed that Android reached a huge new milestone in 2014. For the first time ever, more than 1 billion devices were shipped with the Android OS.

This trounces iPhone sales, CNET reports. Apple sold just 192.7 million units in the same time period. According to Strategy Analytics, Android devices were 81% of all smartphones sold last year. The global smartphone market also increased 30%, to 1.3 billion from 1 billion.

Microsoft's 3% market share is little more than a footnote, and all others combined come to less than 1%.
This record-breaking lead means that Android's future is assured for years to come. Sure, Apple's platform is still consistently more profitable than Google's, with iOS users spending more on apps. But in the numbers game, Android is unassailable.


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