Valentine’s Day With The Wisdom Of Love Influencers

If you love someone set them free”.

I bet Sting wrote this line after not finding a decent present for Valentine’s Day.
Yes, Valentine’s Day is coming and it’s that time of year when marketers and lovers get shaky. Expectations are high: some need to deliver big romantic gestures and some cheesy-themed campaigns. Both can’t afford to screw things up.

But who deeply and madly expects this day? To answer this question, we monitored the mentions of Valentine’s Day for the last couple of weeks. We found out that though love is (hopefully) a mutual thing, when it comes to Valentine’s Day the inequality rises to the sky.

After analyzing 240k mentions of Valentine’s Day here’s what we found:
78% of the mentions were made by women, most of them are at the age of 18-24 (47%). Most of the mentions were made by people from the US (51%) and the UK (26%).

It’s worth mentioning that while women may care more about Valentine’s Day, men do the actual spending. According toForbes, men spend an average of $175 on gifts and cards while women spend an average of $88.

Looking deep into the conversations and content that people shared, one can sense an additional narrative that thrives beneath the surface. Among the many gift wish lists, there’s also the theme of those who are going to spend the day alone. Think about it: singles who resent Valentine’s Day, and couples that aren’t fond of the red-wrapped gifts, can paradoxically be also a target audience for this day’s campaigns. Take the latest Durex campaign as an example of cutting out the cliches (no worries, it’s SFW).

After seeing the great expectations differences among men and women, we sensed that Valentine’s Day can help celebrate the love but also to generate a relationship crises.

So for the sake of reaching Valentine’s Day’s finish line in a Rom-Com style and not like a Romeo and Juliet story, we started looking for experts’ advice.


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