Contacting Potential B2B Customers

The current article is about the different phases of a typical B2B sale and will also show some real life examples. Let’s begin with how, in the first place, you start speaking with potential customers. There are two ways:

1. You approach them

2. They approach you

We’ll focus on the first point as it is more interesting and includes all the phases of point 2. In the other case – if the customer approaches you, you skip the phases of prospecting & approaching, and you already know that the customer has a need that you might be able to satisfy.

Let’s go with a real life experience: Dreamix is a software development company specializing in Java and JS technologies. We have established partnerships in the aviation, telecommunication, finance, insurance and automotive sectors. Being the Biz Dev guy and based on the above, I search on sites like LinkedIn, and other more local websites for companies based in UK, Germany, Switzerland, US who need help with the mentioned technologies. Once I shortlist such companies, I need to find an entry point. In our business, such an entry point can be:

1. They are looking for software developers with Java and Angular skills

2. They’ve recently raised a big round of investment

3. They’ve hired an new CEO, CIO, COO or CTO

4. You can help them with specific knowledge that aligns with their roadmap

Once you see such an entry point you have to find the right person to write to and find his contact details. How to find his contact details? There are several ways here as well:

1. Look in the contact info at his LinkedIn profile

2. Check his Twitter profile

3. There are tools (paid) that have databases full of emails and phone numbers. You just have to add the name of the person and the company. Then the contact details will appear

4. And one more – try guessing his email. There’s a high chance that he is using Google services and, if right, hover your mouse above the email and the name will pop up in blue.

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