_|[_Rise of Direct-to-Consumer Brands_]|_;-))_

Companies no longer have to be massive international enterprises or part of the Fortune 500 to be household names or achieve success. The market no longer only belongs to brands like Johnson & Johnson.
A whole new generation of direct-to-consumer brands is on the rise and might one day even overtake the established big brands. Their quick rise has left many people scratching their heads.
How Direct Brands Achieve Brand Loyalty
What many direct brands do well is opening up a dialogue with their customers. Broadcast media was not the only thing in the way of the brand-customer relationship.
Direct brands see what their customers need and want and what inspires them in real time. These brands work with this information to cultivate content and products.
They find out quickly if what they are doing is effective or not, and can change to suit their goals and their customers’ needs with no middlemen. This direct relationship makes consumers feel valued and heard. It can lead to repeated purchases and even brand loyalty.
Direct-to-consumer brands often succeed in this new marketplace with branding that incorporates a strong purpose. They tell interesting stories that engage their customers. While they lack the benefits of traditional marketing, they do have something: first-party data. This is because they collect opt-in identity data and build their content and services around it.
Direct brands can interact with customers in a whole new way. This allows them to tailor their branding, content, services, products, and storytelling to their online customers. Brands don’t tell customers what to buy, but instead, create a relationship with them. This new type of marketing is intimate and empathetic. It is social and involves an open dialogue and communication.  ;-))  
Read More Here <<=>> https://goo.gl/QmSYzu  


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