Yahoo Voices Hacked: 450,000 Passwords Posted Online

If you’re a Yahoo Voices user, it's time to change your password.

Security for the service appears to have been compromised early Thursday morning. A list titled “Owned and Exposed” which is “brought to you by the D33Ds Company" was posted online revealing a number of details for the service including all of the email addresses and passwords for Yahoo Voices' 450,000 users.

The site hosting the information is intermittently down; however, we were able to open the document and verify that it does in fact contain user emails and password data.

At the end of the document the group remarks that it posted the information to be a "Wake-up call" rather than a threat.

"We hope that the parties responsible for managing the security of this subdomain will take this as a wake-up call, and not as a threat," the document says. "There have been many security holes exploited in webservers belonging to Yahoo! Inc. that have caused far greater damage than our disclosure.
"Please do not take them lightly. The subdomain and vulnerable parameters have not been posted to avoid further damage."

The group also included this quote from Jean Vanier in its closing remarks: "Growth begins when we begin to accept our own weakness."

How should Yahoo react? Let us know your take in the comments.


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